Блог им. mio-my-mio |Too Big To Fail и иже с ними...

В связи с последними событиями, высветившими, в очередной раз, несостоятельность регулирующих организаций и сам процесс регуляции,
хочу перепечатать, на добрую память, истерическую тираду из блога некоей Ann Barhardt, владеющей «Barnhardt Capital Management, Inc.»

Топик озаглавлен «Ninety Miles An Hour Down a Dead End Street». 12.07.2012

People are emailing asking what firm I recommend.
The ENTIRE SYSTEM is totally, completely corrupt and therefore NO FIRM IS SAFE. Don't be stupid. Don't be obtuse. Snap yourself out of the Stockholm Syndrome that you are clearly stuck in. Get ALL MONEY out of the ENTIRE FINANCIAL SYSTEM, including stocks, bonds, retirement accounts, futures, EVERYTHING.
But what about.. .
What part of EVERYTHING are you not comprehending?
One. More. Time.
If you can't touch it, if it isn't physically on your property such that you can stand in front of it with an assault rifle and PHYSICALLY defend it, you don't own it, and it could be confiscated/stolen from you at any time, if it ever actually existed at all.

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Блог им. mio-my-mio |This Is Only Money: Ларри Вильямс и 6 фигур в PFG

«By now you probably know all that I do about the PFG fiasco; but if not, here is the latest official lack of any real information, information:
Like many of you I am in same boat, Louise and I had two 6 figure accounts that have been liquidated and locked up. So what are we going to do?
I have hired a lawyer to see if we can sue the NFA for gross negligence in their monitoring of PFG. Ironically, PFG was found guilty for not responding „to obvious red flags“ regarding the Ponzi scheme that traded at the firm. Seems the same logic should apply to NFA; the $200,000,000 has been missing for 2 to 3 years.
We shall see and as my lawyer updates, I will advise you.
Next… we see no other choice---for now---than to take our lumps and await the outcomes from the bumbling regulators. Fretting, losing sleep and emails about it are not productive. Moving forward, after regrouping our thoughts, is the best plan of action. Things could be far worse; this is only money. It is not your health or a loved one dying. What you did once, you can do again.
We will open a new account at a new firm but have not made any choices at this time.
PS I appreciated all the emails today, but for now please hold them back unless you have breaking news. When the dust settles, I will send another update.»

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