Блог им. PotavinAlex |Как инвестбанки отреагировали на арест Навального

Morgan Stanley: 
NAVALNY — court rules for 5yrs in jail under the Kirovles case
ALEXEY NAVALNY, Russia’s anti-corruption activist, opposition leader as well as one of the candidates for the position of the Moscow Mayor (elections to be held on Sept 8th), was found GUILTY in theft of RUB16mn under the Kirovles case.
The initial verdict was not an unexpected outcome as few expected him not to get any charges with a base case being suspended sentence from my discussions. Maximum possible charges could be up to 6 yrs in prison.
The judge finally stopped reading the sentence report (took him ~3.5hrs) and NAVALNY got 5yrs of jail time, almost maximum charge….he will be arrested straight from the courtroom...
Lawyers of Navalny already said that they will appeal the court decision.

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