Блог им. billikid

Интересные данные о структуре вложений Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global

крупнейший держатель ОФЗ среди нерезов, который пришел до Еврокира

Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global (world’s largest sovereign wealth fund with ~$700 bio AUM) recently published its annual report for 2012, which contains some interesting information:
• In 2012 fund boosted its holdings of local-ccy EM bonds to 10.2% of its total fixed-income portfolio from just 0.4% year earlier. This was done at the expense of French, British, Italian and Spain govt debt. Interestingly, fund perceives this reallocation as a “risk-reduction investment strategy”;
• Share of local rub debt (=OFZ) in fixed-income portfolio is 1.1% (~85 bln rub in absolute terms, 2.5% of the total OFZ mkt cap), which makes Norway Pension Fund one of the largest OFZ holders among international investors. We note, that it established position in OFZs before they become Euroclearable, ie via local custody account;
• In EM bond portfolio Russia has 3rd largest weight, ~11%, following Mexico (15%), South Korea (14%) and ahead of Brazil (10%) and Poland (7%);
Among 10 world’s largest SWFs at least 3 are already a sizeable OFZ holders. We expect 1-2 more to enter the mkt in the longer-term.
  • Ключевые слова:
  • ОФЗ
6 комментариев
круть! )
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Роман Некрасов, они apple купли в 12 года на 3,5 млрд грина
billikid, )))) вот они — настоящие инвесторы! )
karapuz, real many guys :)
беспощадные и бескомпромиссные
billikid, да. сказали косить — сопли не жуют. косят. палюбой! ))

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